Well, well, well, 2024 is here. Tact-fully is back with a fresh and simple look, ready to tackle all the communication issues we generally face in the workplace.
I do not set new year resolutions, but I am feeling hopeful about 2024 purely because Jesus is still in control, and he is still King of kings, no matter what.
I have one book recommendation for you - a book that will serve as a useful tool in your workplace as you navigate the world of communication. The book is titled "The art of explanation", and it is written by well known journalist and BBC presenter, Ros Atkins. I managed to get my hands on it recently, and it has proven to be just what I needed in order to understand the art of identifying, distilling and communicating what I want to say.

One of my favourite quotes in this 299-page read says the following: "Simplicity is the key to understanding. Short words in short sentences present the listener or reader with the fewest obstacles to comprehension."
That is exactly what our communication should offer - the fewest obstacles to comprehension.
Let's embrace this year with all that it has to offer (okay, maybe not everything haha). I look forward to continuing this communication journey with you.
A friend sent your site link to me & I’m so happy she did
Will definitely add the book to my reading list for 2024! Thank you!
Ruuuuuuuuuuth - good to see you back