Communication demands that we choose just the right words and that we clear away anything around them that might distract.

When communicating, words are supposed to make the job easier. The last thing you need is a fistful of words that do not contribute effectively to the message you are conveying. Here is a list of phrases and words that I personally feel should be decluttered from conversations:
“For all intents and purposes”
This is a very long and round-about way of saying “effectively”. While it’s a lovely decorative term, the less its used the better.
Our beloved South African politicians love using this word when emphasizing their non-involvement in shady dealings, e.g. “I categorically deny any involvement in the NSFAS scandal.” The word means without exception, clear and without confusion. It is still very possible to deny your involvement in any corruption without using the word “categorically”.
…and then you go on and write a two-page essay or send a mixtape of a voicenote. If it’s not going to be short, don’t bother using the word to describe a heap of words to follow. Train your mouth and fingers to keep it brief without having to use the word.

If there is a word or phrase that you have been struggling to let go of, take the following two-part test below to determine whether you need a word detox:
Is this word or phrase helping me to effectively get my message across in a way that is helpful and easy to understand?
Without this word or phrase, will my sentence lose any meaning?
Decorative phrases and words definitely have their place, but for every day communication in the workplace, let’s strive to communicate clearly - jargon and sprinkles aside.
Work is fast-paced and communication often happens on-the-go, so strive to make your communication punishingly precise. I’ll end off with a quote from world-renowned journalist, Ros Atkins: “Communication demands that we choose just the right words and that we clear away anything around them that might distract.”
Thank u!
An article that should be making rounds in a lot of office communiqué’s 💯
These are lovely tips. Thank you
As soon as I hear the word “categorically”, in my head I hear Ngizwe Mchunu’s famous words “Lies, lies, lies everywhere” 😂
Thank you